My name is Sophie

With much love, I go in search of the most beautiful items to make your house, a warm home.

Imperfections contribute to the beauty of our products.

You won't find cheap mass production with us.

Only the most special, unique pieces I take to complete our store and web store.

Drop by, the most beautiful items often don't make it to the web shop, and each item is a pièce unique!

I regularly visit people's homes on request, to restyle their homes.

I designed my own label candlesticks and windlights, textiles and curtains, and also wholesale for interior design stores.



Ad or "Adje" to friends is our man who can do anything!

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday your shipment is lovingly packed by him.

Warehouse management and general chores are also part of his duties.

He also occasionally delivers our deliveries and handles wholesale orders with the utmost care.

He receives deliveries of new items and checks them.

Over the years he has become an indispensable member of our dream team!




Humor, patience and honesty typify her personality.

She works Thursdays and Saturdays as a cheerful saleswoman in our store, keeping our little store fresh and clean.

She hates dull windlights, when they are shiny and polished again, her mission is accomplished.

Openness, honest advice and a personal touch is what you can expect from her as a customer.

New deliveries are carefully checked, priced and added to the web store and store.

Without her, my dream team would not be complete.



Like Ad and Wendy, would you also like to be part of our dream team?

We currently have no vacancies, but we will gladly include you in our recruitment database.


Send your spontaneous application to


We are also an approved internship learning company and always welcome motivated interns.

We offer internships in the areas of logistics, marketing, accounting-informatics, sales and interior styling.
















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